It’s time for you to meet another member of the wonderful team at Nimble! Carrying on our Meet the Team blog series – letting you get to know the real team ‘behind the screens’, get ready to meet Michelle!

Meet Michelle; Nimble Media’s superstar Sales Supervisor. Michelle is known around the office for being a lover of all things cosy!

Here’s a bit more about Michelle including her proudest achievement since working at Nimble and what her perfect Sunday entails.

What drew you to apply for a job at Nimble?
After learning about all the different products/services Nimble offers along with the flexibility with my needs for the children, it just seemed perfect! I then met Vicky, it was the best interview I have ever had. I walked away feeling amazing and knew this is the type of company I wanted to work for.

Since working at Nimble, what is your proudest achievement?
I don’t just have one as I have achieved so much since working for Nimble. However, I have significantly built up my confidence and self-esteem. Trust is sometimes very hard to find but I can honestly say that I trust every single member of the team. I have struggled opening up in the past but we are one big family here so overcoming this issue is something I am very proud of.

Since working at Nimble, which, of all the projects you’ve been a part of, has been your favourite? and why?
I love every aspect of my job and the projects I work on. There are opportunities galore, however, if I had to pick just one, it would be the Women in Rail Awards. Being a part of the planning, selling and delivering stages allows me to watch the event come to life. It is amazing to see!

What’s your favourite and least favourite biscuit?
Everyone in the office knows how much I love a big mug of tea so it is only natural for me to love most biscuits to enjoy alongside it! The only biscuit I think I could possibly turn down is a Horlicks.

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?
You may see me racing around getting the kids to their activities as they have a lot! My daughter attends dance classes and I’m regularly taking my son to a football game. If I do get some time to myself, I revel in the opportunity to be at home snuggled up in my pyjamas with a nice, big cup of tea.

If you could buy any type of food (right now) what would you buy?
I wish I could say a healthy salad but it would have to be a Quarter Pounder with cheese meal with a Fanta from McDonalds…

Are you a morning or a night person?
I am definitely a night owl. Although I am good at getting up and getting the kids to school, I do love my sleep!

What is something you have done that you are most proud of?
My husband and I have always wanted to take our kids to Disneyland before they got to an age where the magic may have been lost. This year we all got to go! To top it all off, my daughter was provided with the opportunity to dance on the stage  with her Dance School! It was truly amazing and we made some very magical memories, for all four of us.

What would be your perfect Sunday?
My perfect Sunday would be spending some quality time with my husband and our children. Family is precious.

Next, we will be speaking to our amazing Sales Executive – Ann.

In the meantime, if you are looking for a superstar sales team to help support your business, look no further! 

We look forward to getting ridiculously creative with you!


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