Nimble Media Limited is a full-service multi-media marketing company, which specialises in event management, marketing, public relations, and contract magazine publishing. We continue to engage with a large number of private and public sector organisations in pursuit of our various activities which currently take place solely in the United Kingdom.

This is our fifth statement to be published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and it contains a summary of the steps to be taken within our current work plan during the financial year ending 31 August 2025, and includes the steps already taken to date in order to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains.

Nimble Media Limited has a zero- tolerance approach to Modern Slavery of any kind within our operations. We all have a responsibility to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in our wider commercial dealings. Staff are expected to report concerns, using the appropriate reporting channels, and management are expected to act upon them.

The steps to be taken include but are not restricted to the following:

  1. Due diligence of all suppliers and clients to ensure that the people who provide the products and services we use and from whom we buy, are treated fairly, and that their fundamental human rights are protected and respected.
  2. Our staff have been trained and will continue to be trained to be aware of the situation regarding modern slavery and human trafficking, including possible warning signs, together with the company’s responsibilities, including the importance of reporting any possible concerns. Regular reminders of the need for vigilance and warning signs will be given to all staff.
  3. In order to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken by Nimble Media, we will continue to review the following and report on them in future Modern Slavery Statements:
    • Staff training levels – to date all staff have been trained to be aware of what Modern Slavery comprises, and to remain vigilant in looking for signs thereof especially as there is an increase in this appalling crime over the past year
    • Where possible, we have taken necessary actions taken to assess suppliers’ and clients’ ability to detect and mitigate modern slavery risk, and will continue to do so
    • We shall undertake investigations into reports of Modern Slavery and remedial actions taken in response.

This statement was approved by the Director of Nimble Media Ltd.


Vicky Binley
Dated: 03 September 2024